תפריט נגיש

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Call For Papers - Additional Examples

Attardo, Salvatore. 1988. “Trends in European Humor Research: Towards a Text Model”. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 1(4), pp. 349–369.
———. 1990. “The Violation of Grice’s Maxims in Jokes”. In: K. Hall, J.-P. Koenig, M. Meacham, S. Reinman and L.A. Sutton (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp. 355–362.
——— and Victor Raskin. 1991. “Script Theory Revis(it)ed: Joke Similarity and Joke Representation Model”. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 4(3/4), pp. 293–347.

Baldick, C. 2001. “Pastiche”. In: C. Baldick (ed.), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 183–185.

Ben-Amos, Dan. 1980. “The Concept of Motif in Folklore”. In: V.J. Newall (ed.), Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Folklore Society, Royal Holloway College, London, 1978. Woodbridge, Suffolk, England & Totawa, NJ: Brewer, Rowman and Littlefield, 1980, pp. 17–36.

Bracciolini, Poggio. 1968 [1452]. The Facetiae, trans. Bernhardt J. Hurwood. New York: Award Books (distrib. Universal Publishing & Distributing Corporation); London: Tandem (Universal-Tandem Publishing Co.).

Brooks, Kevin M. 1999. Metalinear Cinematic Narrative: Theory, Process, and Tool. Ph.D. dissertation in Media, Arts and Sciences (advisor: Glorianna Davenport). Cambridge, MA: Program in Media Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Cavazza, M. and S. Donikian (eds.). 2007. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling (ICVS’07). New York: ACM.

Davies Christie. 1990. Ethnic Humor Around the World: A Comparative Analysis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Dundes, Alan. 1975. “From Etic to Emic Units in the Structural Study of Folklore”. In: Alan Dundes (ed.), Analytic Essays in Folklore. (Studies in Folklore, 2.) The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton, 1975, pp. 61–72. Originally: “From Etic to Emic Units in the Structural Study of Folktales”, in Journal of American Folklore, 75, 1962, pp. 95–105.

Kopciowski, Ester E. 1977. L’elemento ebraico nel dialetto giudaico-romanesco dall’epoca di Del Monte fino ai giorni nostri. Tesi di Laurea (unpublished dissertation). Milan, Italy: Università degli Studi di Milano.

Kupier, Nicholas A., Leite, Catherine. (2010). “Personality Impressions Associated with Four Distinct Humor Styles”. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(2), pp. 115–122.

Oring, Elliot. 2011a.  “Parsing the Joke: The General Theory of Verbal Humor and Appropriate incongruity. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 24(2), pp. 203–222.
———. 2011b.  “220255248524096634%282352y6Still Further Thoughts on Logical Mechanisms: A Response to Christian F. Hempelmann and Salvatore Attardo”. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 24(2), pp.151–158.

Penn, G. 2000. “Semiotic Analysis of Still Images”. In: M. Bauer and G. Gaskell (eds.), Qualitative Researching with Text, Image & Sound. London: Sage, pp. 227–245.

Raskin, Victor. 1985. Semantic Mechanism of Humor. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: D. Reidel.

Uther, Hans-Jörg. 2004. The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Part I: Animal Tales, Tales of Magic, Religious Tales, and Realistic Tales, with an Introduction. Part II: Tales of the Stupid Ogre, Anecdotes and Jokes, and Formula Tales. Part III: Appendices. (FF Communications [edited for the Folklore Fellows], 284–286.) Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia = Academia Scientiarum Fennica.

Wouters, C. 1995. “Etiquette Books and Emotion Management in the 20th Century”. Part One: “The Integration of Social Classes”. Part Two: “The Integration of the Sexes”. Journal of Social History, 29(1), pp. 107–124; 29(2), pp. 325–340.

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